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All MERA LZS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant MERA LZS: polysulfone rotameters, plastic, with limit switches, control valve, float, panel type, glass, corrosion-resistant, flow cells
  • Polysulfone rotameters MERA LZS
    Polysulfone rotameters
    LZS-25C, LZS-25D, etc.
  • Rotameters are plastic tube type MERA LZS
    Rotameters are plastic tube type
    LZS-15EP, LZS-15EF, etc.
  • Rotameters with limit switches MERA LZS
    Rotameters with limit switches
    LZS-15C/D, LZS-25C/D, etc.
  • Float rotameters MERA LZS
    Float rotameters
    LZM-10G, LZM-15GD, etc.
  • Panel type rotameters MERA LZS
    Panel type rotameters
    LZM-15Z, LZM-25Z, etc.
  • Rotameters for air and water flow control MERA LZS
    Rotameters for air and water flow control
    LZM-4T, LZM-6T, etc.
  • Glass liquid and gas rotameters MERA LZS
    Glass liquid and gas rotameters
    LZB-3, LZB-4, etc.
  • Rotameters for liquid and gas flow control MERA LZS
    Rotameters for liquid and gas flow control
    LZM-15ZAT, LZM-15ZT, etc.
  • Rotameters are corrosion-resistant MERA LZS
    Rotameters are corrosion-resistant
    LZB-4 F4, LZB-6 F4, etc.
  • Glass rotameters in an iron casing MERA LZS
    Glass rotameters in an iron casing
    VA10-15F, SA10-15F, etc.
  • Borosilicate glass rotameters MERA LZS
    Borosilicate glass rotameters
    RS-15S, RS-15F, etc.
  • Glass rotameters in a metal case MERA LZS
    Glass rotameters in a metal case
    LZB-15, LZB-25, etc.
  • Glass rotameters for gas MERA LZS
    Glass rotameters for gas
    LZB-DK800-4, LZB-DK800-6, etc.
  • Stainless Steel Glass Rotameters MERA LZS
    Stainless Steel Glass Rotameters
    LZB-VA 30S, LZB-WA 30S, etc.
  • Rotameters for oxygen, argon, CO2 MERA LZS
    Rotameters for oxygen, argon, CO2
    LZM-6T O2, LZM-6T Ar/CO2, etc.
  • Flow cells MERA LZS
    Flow cells
    amperometric sensors, etc.


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